Budget Management
CSAS/2 Budget Management divides the budget process into two distinct phases. The Pre-Approval Phase and the Post-Approval Phase. The Pre-Approval Phase allows the organization’s administrative personnel to perform ad hoc (or “what if”) budgets before presenting to the governing board or city council. Once the budget is approved and/or accepted, the Post-Approval Phase allows the budget to be amended. CSAS/2 Budget Management tracks all budget amendments as if they were transactions complete with journal number and explanation. New budgets may be enter manually or, by using the “Update Function” feature, the new budget may be based on a variety of automated math functions using an existing budget, actual expense and income amounts, or plugged-in values. The budget update functions are very productive and easy to use within CSAS/2 Budget Management. However, for the spreadsheet aficionado, import from and export to office tools such as Microsoft Excel will greatly enhance productivity.
- Budget Comparison
- Budget Amendment History
- Budget Data
- Proposed Budget & Revisions
- “Budget Update Functions” feature allows the user to update the budget using a variety of up to ten different automated functions using past budgets, actuals, and/or plugged-in values
- Budget Accounts may be grouped “on the fly” in order to reduce the time required to update the budget
- Pre-Approval Processes are managed separately
- Multiple revisions of the budget are maintained in the system
- Easy “Export to” and “Import from” other software tools such as Microsoft Excel
- Security allows for only authorized personnel to amend budget amounts within the sytem
- For audit purposes, each budget amendment records: Journal #, Date, Explanation, and user ID of person who entered the amendment
- Encumbrance of the account budget may be automated using the CSAS/2 Purchasing module or may be manually entered by performing a journal entry