
CSAS/2 was developed by management and data processing professionals. CSAS/2 is a complete set of integrated accounting applications designed to help you increase the overall productivity of your organization.

What services we provide

Accounts Payable
CSAS/2 Accounts Payable is a complete cash flow management system designed to help you track and manage your organization's short term obligations. With this, you will have the information you need to make better buying/paying decisions and the information to take advantage of vendor discounts. The CSAS/2 Accounts Payable system is interfaced with the CSAS/2 General Ledger, which means that your financial data is as current as the most recent entries you have made into the CSAS/2 Accounts Payable System. It can also be interfaced to CSAS/2 Purchasing which allow the operator to enter invoices using the Purchase Order. This improves productivity and accuracy.
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Accounts Receivable
Successfully managing your accounts receivable is the life blood of your business. Accounts that become past due are harder to collect than accounts which are current. Knowing which accounts pay on time and which accounts are delinquent payers is extremely important to today's business activities. CSAS Accounts Receivable provides you with the information required to manage your accounts receivable. Easy access to customer balances, payment histories and payment trends allow you make customer credit policies. Customer accounts receivable follow-up is a must to keep accounts current. With CSAS Accounts Receivable, you can review accounts which are delinquent and take appropriate action before the account becomes a problem. You can send past due notices using the AS/400 Office Vision, print statements or generate a phone call list. The CSAS Accounts Receivable can operate as a standalone application or can co-exist with the CSAS Billing system.
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Asset Management
CSAS/2 Asset Management has been designed with four particular tasks in mind. 1) To account for depreciation expense and track the book value of depreciable assets; 2) Schedule preventative maintenance for depreciable and non-depreciable assets; 3) Track the cost of all maintenance (corrective and preventative) of all assets in the system; and 4) Provide a control system that will track assets by fund, department, category, and location. CSAS/2 Asset Management integrates with CSAS/2 General Ledger to post depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation. It also interfaces with Inventory module in order to capture the cost of materials used in the maintenance and repair of assets. A depreciable asset may be set up in the system at any time during the life of the asset by entering the accumulated depreciation at the initial entry. CSAS/2 Asset Management reporting allows decision makers to understand all aspects of an asset: from the depreciation & book value to upcoming service requirements to the cost of maintaining the asset in top operating condition.
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Budget Management
CSAS/2 Budget Management divides the budget process into two distinct phases: The Pre-Approval Phase and the Post-Approval Phase. The Pre-Approval Phase allows the organization’s administrative personnel to perform ad hoc (or “what if”) budgets before presenting to the governing board or city council. Once the budget is approved and/or accepted, the Post-Approval Phase allows the budget to be amended. CSAS/2 Budget Management tracks all budget amendments as if they were transactions complete with journal number and explanation. New budgets may be enter manually or, by using the “Update Function” feature, the new budget may be based on a variety of automated math functions using an existing budget, actual expense and income amounts, or plugged-in values. The budget update functions are very productive and easy to use within CSAS/2 Budget Management. However, for the spreadsheet aficionado, import from and export to office tools such as Microsoft Excel will greatly enhance productivity.
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General Ledger
Selecting the right general ledger system is one the most important software decisions you will make about your computerized accounting system. All financial information accumulated throughout your business is categorized, summarized, compared and analyzed. CSAS General Ledger provides you with the information you need to make business decisions. You can review account summaries and detail transactions either on the screen or printout. CSAS is fully integrated with all CSAS accounting applications. When you run pay a bill, run a payroll or make a deposit the information is automatically posted to the General Ledger. Financial statements can easily be formatted by using the Statement Format file. As many as 99 different formats per company. Journal entries that must be made each month can be setup as recurring entries and automatically generated whenever required. Check reconcilation allows you to reconcile bank statements quickly and easily.
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Controlling and monitoring inventory is a central function of any business, whether retail, wholesale, or manufacturing. With CSAS Inventory system, you can automatically maintain detailed, organized, easy-to-access records which allow you to monitor and report on virtually any aspect of your inventory. Unlimited numbers of inventory items, locations, and transactions can be tracked over an unlimited number of years, with details for each item stored separately for each location. With inventory inquiries and reports, you can easily monitor the activity, status, valuation, and month-by-month sales history of any inventory item, taking into account the item's cost and selling price. Generating order requirements reports is as easy as 123. The order requirements can then be turned into a purchase order using the CSAS purchasing system. For price changes, let MonetaTech design a special price change module using electronic information from your vendors.
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The preparation of your employee's paychecks and the required goverment reporting are made much easier with the CSAS Payroll System. With it you can not only track the payroll taxes withheld and make the necessary reports, but you can also monitor your labor distribution by department. Payroll management need no longer be a tedious, redundant job prone to error. CSAS Payroll System can save you time and money by improving every facet of your paycheck writing operation. Payroll could never be easier. The CSAS Payroll System allows for quick and easy time entry. After entering time, calculate and print checks. Data can be easily retrieved thru extensive inquiry and windowing capabilities. Employee earnings information as well every payroll check for the current year can be displayed. Employee history tracks vacation, sick, pay raises and other information. Employee "Notes" allows for a place to store special information such as driver's license number or family member names.
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The potential of the Purchasing application to your business is more effective stock ordering and receiving. The systems retrieves information from item files and displays it. This quick, easy access to purchase order information improves buyers’ productivity. After the order information is entered, the system prints the purchase orders you request. Warehouse personnel can use this information to track order receipts more effectively. For example, an operator at a warehouse display station can check goods received, including partial shipments, using the vendor’s invoice to verify prices, discount, and other terms that have been agreed upon. Warehouse personnel may also check invoice quantities against the Receiving Report. The Receiving Report is one of several useful receiving documents the application produces. Using the data produced by this application, your personnel can make more profitable purchases and keep a better-balanced inventory. These can be important steps toward reaching higher returns from your inventory investment.
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